
Monday, July 11, 2011

Eat - 3 Day Green Salad

This salad takes a slightly new form every time I make. It's called the green salad because my first version was all green but I've branched out to much prettier colored veggies. I like to top it off with ginger dressing but I'm all out so balsamic vinegerette will do today.

This salad cost me under $12 and will feed me for 3 lunches atleast. Love it.

1 Bag Organic Baby Spinach $3.99
1 Bag Publix Frozen Peas $1.69
1 Carton of Grape Tomatos $2.50
8 Mini Sweet Peppers, diced 2lb bag for $4.99 (about $1.66)
1 Small Can of Publix Sweet Corn $0.75
Total: $10.59 :)
That's $3.53 per serving! (These are giant servings by the way)

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