
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Eat - Baked Cake Donuts

The other day I came across this recipe on Alisa Burke's blog. I LOVE cake donuts and this seemed so easy I knew I had to make them right away.

I can't lie, hers are much prettier than mine, but I don't own a donut pan. Instead I made baked cake donut muffins...which I think are just called cupcakes...but the recipe is delicious in any form!

Here are mine right out of the oven (9 min bake time!)

And here they are after being dipped in melted butter and cinnamon-sugar!

I think we've already eaten about 10 of them...2 for boyfriend and 8 for me :P
<3 these! PS - In case you were wondering the nutritional facts, I measured them out for you on These are the the tiny versions. The larger donuts are approx 300 calories each. I think the smaller, 75 Cal servings make me feel better...until I do the math haha! I added the cinnamon-sugar glaze in there too, so if you don't do that part, ignore the last 3 lines.

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